Economist Team
Capital Economics is always on the lookout for able economists with enthusiasm and flair as well as top-flight academic training. Direct applications are preferred. There is no need to apply via an agency or headhunter.
We have economist teams in London, Singapore, Toronto and New York.

Economist Roles
For economists with some relevant market experience please send your CV and a cover letter to capital-economics@jobs.workablemail.com.
Graduate Scheme (London)
Capital Economics is looking for capable and highly motivated economists to join the company as trainees. Our two-year graduate recruitment scheme offers a unique opportunity to train as an applied macroeconomist. Trainees will benefit from rotations in four different teams in the company and from an internal training programme. They will also be eligible for sponsored study for a Masters degree or other post-graduate qualification. After completing their two years on the scheme, graduates will join a team as a permanent member of staff. Many have gone on to be promoted into senior positions within the company.
The graduate scheme application window for September 2025 start date is closed. The window for September 2026 start date will open in Autumn 2025.

Fast-track Economist Scheme (Singapore)
Our nineteen month fast-track economist scheme offers a unique opportunity to train as an applied macroeconomist. Trainees will benefit from rotations in two different teams in the company, a month long stint at the head office in London to work with our Markets Team and from an internal training programme. They will also be eligible for subsidised study for a Masters degree or other post-graduate qualification. After completing the scheme they will join a team as a permanent member of staff. This scheme follows the success of our UK graduate scheme, where many of our graduate hires have gone on to be promoted into senior positions within the company.
The fast-track scheme for (May 2024 start) is Closed.
Research Assistants
Our Student Placement Scheme provides a great opportunity for those studying towards an undergraduate degree in Economics or a related subject to gain experience and insight into macroeconomic forecasting.
The application window for September 2025 start date is closed. The window for September 2026 start date will open in Autumn 2025.

Summer Internship (London)
Our eight-week summer internship scheme offers a unique opportunity to work alongside our macroeconomists to learn how to produce insightful research.
Capital Economics is committed to equality, inclusion, and diversity and will prioritise applicants from low-income and under-represented backgrounds within the industry, including female and ethnic minority candidates.
Summer Internship recruitment is currently closed.