Custom project support for your AI initiatives
Jumpstart your AI strategy with a consulting engagement with Capital Economics
AI is no longer the preserve of science fiction – it is quickly becoming part of our daily lives. The technology has the potential to transform the economic outlook, raising fundamental questions for investors and business leaders such as:
How will AI impact the economic outlook?
Which economies will benefit most from AI and which are most at risk?
Will economies in the vanguard now be the winners in the long-term?
What will AI mean for different sectors of the economy?
Capital Economics is working with teams in corporate strategy, private equity, investment strategy, professional services, communications/PR and more to answer these questions and help them develop a data-driven approach to incorporate artificial intelligence into their 2024 strategies.
Get in touch
Contact our team to find out how we can help your organisation build AI into their investment and business strategies.

AI Economic Impact Index
The AI Economic Impact Index is the first step in understanding how AI will impact different economies. This unique proprietary index ranks countries according to their ability to innovate, adopt and adapt to AI.
Our consultancy team leverages this tool and the underlying data to conduct deeper dives into countries, sectors, or topics such as inflation, aligned to clients' specific areas of focus.

We can help Private Equity and Venture Capitalists better understand where to deploy capital when investing in AI-related companies, which sectors may benefit most from AI and cross-country risks and opportunities from AI.
Whether investors are looking for cutting edge innovation or which countries are adapting fastest to the AI revolution, the AI index will support investors in minimising risk when growing their portfolio.
Public Relations
Our support enables PR and Communications teams to create marketing campaigns grounded in robust data, giving your clients confidence when communicating with stakeholders.
Whether your client is looking geographically or how their sector is traversing the AI revolution, Capital Economics’ consultancy team can support them in building that message through data.

Our proprietary index helps corporate leaders identify their next growth market or how exposed they are to the impact of AI. The AI index offers you that transparency into individual countries and how the AI revolution is transpiring.
Whether looking to grow in current markets or explore new ones, the consultancy team are able to support your decision making through our data driven AI index.