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Staff Profiles

Alex Holmes

Emerging Asia Economist

  • BA Economics with Employment Experience, Sheffield
  • MSc Financial Economics, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Capital Economics Graduate Scheme (2014-2016)

Why were you keen to join the graduate scheme?

My aim was to find a job in which I could use my economics degree but in an applied setting. Capital Economics struck me as one of the few companies where that was the case. I was also drawn by the opportunity to pursue a Masters degree. While keen to take on further study I was also itching to get to work, so studying while working was ideal. Another attraction was the potential to move to one of the company’s overseas offices. So far, everything appears to have gone to plan – I completed my Masters degree in July 2018 and moved to Singapore a few months later.

How has your Masters degree helped?

The depth of knowledge that a Masters gives you definitely helps to provide context when you’re thinking about current events and how they might develop. In particular, doing an MSc in financial economics has helped me understand how financial markets and the real economy interact.

What has been the most challenging aspect of the job?

Initially, the most challenging task was to write well. Writing clearly is one of those skills that you don’t know that you don’t have. Getting there can be hard, but being able to write clearly and concisely has proved to be an invaluable skill, both at Capital Economics and elsewhere.

Later on, the more challenging aspect of the job has been taking responsibility for the company view on a number of countries. This not only requires keeping on top of all the most recent data and to constantly reassess your forecasts but also making sure that they remain consistent with Capital Economics’ global views. It’s not always easy, but it is always interesting and guaranteed to keep you on your toes.