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Split Fed puts both bonds and equities on thin ice

This is the first publication on our new Asset Allocation Service. The service considers the asset allocation implications of our comprehensive macroeconomic and financial market research, which is produced by a team of more than 60 economists covering every region of the world. A subscription includes 8-9 publications a month – consisting of timely one-page updates, monthly chart books, and occasional in-depth focuses, as well as this quarterly outlook. The service compares the prospects for bonds, equities, commercial property and commodities over the short term (3-6 months), the medium term (12-24 months) and the longer term (5-10 years). Projections are provided both across, and within, asset classes for a total of 19 major indices. The costs and benefits of hedging foreign exchange risk are also considered. For more details, or to start a free trial, please visit or e-mail: This publication is now available to view or download online. First time users of the website will be asked to complete a one-time-only log in.

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