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Why will India rise but China stall?

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By mid-century, India will have risen to become the world’s third biggest economy. But China will remain at number two, despite forecasts that it is set to overtake the US. These are findings from our latest Long Run Economic Outlook, a report which looks out decades to show a global economy that has been reshaped by intense US-China competition, but also by major demographic shifts and the widespread adoption of productivity-boosting technologies. Chief Global Economist Jennifer McKeown and Mark Williams, our Chief Asia Economist, discuss just some of the report’s key takeaways, including the forces that will propel India up the global GDP rankings but will also hold China back from the number one spot.
Plus, Group Chief Economist Neil Shearing is on the phone from a departure lounge in Singapore after a week briefing clients – and it seems they share common near and long-term concerns about what’s happening in the global economy. Click here to access the analysis referenced in this episode.