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What does the world economy look like after globalisation?

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Headlines have been dominated by talk of what follows this most recent era of globalisation, forming the basis of this year’s Davos meetings and a new IMF paper warning of a potentially major hit to the global economy. It’s a theme we’ve been discussing with clients for months, leading up to and following last October’s publication of our work on the fracturing of the global economy. Group Chief Economist Neil Shearing discusses what's missing from the debate around fracturing, what the world economy looks like in an age of fracturing, and explains which countries and sectors will be most vulnerable as geopolitics increasingly drives policy-making. Plus, Senior Economic Adviser Vicky Redwood talks to Chief Global Economist Jennifer McKeown about housing market downturns and what they mean for advanced economies and the timing of central bank pivots. Click here to read the research referenced in this episode.