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Huawei’s chip surprise, Energy price spike, Nvidia in India, UK vs Germany

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For consumers, it’s the camera lenses on the outside that may draw them to Huawei's Mate 60 Pro. For those tracking shifts in the global macro narrative, it’s the chip inside the sanctioned Chinese firm’s newest flagship phone that’s most interesting.

In the latest episode of the Weekly Briefing, Group Chief Economist Neil Shearing explains what one of the Mate 60’s key components means in the context of US controls on technology exports and the fracturing of the global economy.

Neil also talks about the significance around Nvidia’s Jensen Huang going to India to meet Narendra Modi and also takes in the inflationary risks around the recent spike in energy prices.

Plus, a big growth upgrade means the UK has overtaken Germany and is no longer at the back of the G7 pack. Chief Europe Economist Andrew Kenningham and Chief UK Economist Paul Dales discuss whether this matters in the grand scheme and the growth outlook for these two struggling economies.